
History of the Rheinsche Post Mediengruppe

In 1946 the Rheinis­che Post was one of the first news­pa­pers to re­ceive its li­cence fol­low­ing the Sec­ond World War. It has de­vel­oped sig­nif­i­cant­ly since then: a news­pa­per pub­lish­er has be­come an in­ter­na­tion­al­ly op­er­a­tive me­dia en­ter­prise. To­day the Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe pub­lish­es nu­mer­ous print­ed and dig­i­tal me­dia, of­fers ser­vices and con­tin­ues to ex­pand its in­volve­ments.


The first issue Rheinische Post


RP Online goes online


Umbrella brand Rheinische Post Mediengruppe

The founders of the Rheinischen Post

Karl Arnold

Karl Arnold

Dr. Anton Betz

Dr. Anton Betz

Dr. Erich Wen­de­roth

Dr. Erich Wen­de­roth

Read more about the three founders of the Rheinische Post Karl Arnold, Dr. Anton Betz and Dr. Erich Wenderoth.

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Events from 2020 until today

2024: Rheinische Post Mediengruppe sells its 30% stake in Medienhaus Aachen GmbH to Mediahuis

Rheinische Post Mediengruppe sells its 30% stake in Medienhaus Aachen to the Belgian media group Mediahuis and concentrates its regional media business even more intensively on the media brands in North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland that it already controls and has further developed digitally.

2023:New e-commerce component in the portfolio - RP Digital enters into new partnership with best it AG

Through its subsidiary RP Digital, Rheinische Post Mediengruppe acquires 49% of the shares in best IT AG, thus further expanding its position in the digital agency business - and at the same time expanding its portfolio with promising and diverse e-commerce solu

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Ereignisse von 2010 bis 2019

2019: Die Rheinische Post Mediengruppe verkauft ihre Anteile an der Immowelt Holding AG

Die Rheinische Post Mediengruppe und sämtliche Partner verkaufen ihre Anteile an der Immowelt-Gruppe. Das Immobilienportal Immowelt gehörte einst mehrheitlich zur markt.gruppe, einem Joint-Venture der Ippen-Gruppe des Verlegers Dirk Ippen und der Rheinische Post Mediengruppe.

2019: Die DVV Media Group übernimmt den Energie Informationsdienst (EID) und baut ihr internationales Geschäft aus
Die DVV Media Group übernimmt den Energie-Informationsdienst (EID). Das EID-Portfolio besteht im Wesentlichen aus drei Publikationen, dem wöchentlichen „Energie Informationsdienst“, der monatlich erscheinenden Fachzeitschrift „ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE (EEK)“ und dem quartalsweise erscheinenden englischsprachigen „OIL GAS European Magazine“. Damit erweitert das Unternehmen sein Medienportfolio auf strategisch wichtigen Feldern.
Durch weitere Akquisitionen in Großbritannien baut die DVV zudem konsequent ihr internationales Geschäft aus.

Mehr lesen 2010 bis 2019

Event from 2010 to 2019 

2019: Rheinische Post Mediengruppe sells its shares in Immowelt Holding AG
Rheinische Post Mediengruppe and all the partners sell their shares in the Immowelt Group. The majority of the Immowelt real estate portal once belonged to the markt.gruppe, a joint venture by publisher Dirk Ippen’s Ippen Group and Rheinische Post Mediengruppe.

2018: Sale of Lausitzer Rundschau
The Saarbrücken newspaper group, in which the Rheinische Post Mediengruppe has a majority stake, sells the Lausitzer Rundschau to the Neue Pressegesellschaft in Ulm. This strengthens the Saarbrücken newspaper group's focus on the home markets in Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate.

Read more 2010 to 2019

Events from 1990 to 1999

1999: Hold­ings in Pol­ish re­gion­al news­pa­pers
In Poland the Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe takes a share­hold­ing in the Ex­press By­d­gos­ki news­pa­per; this is fol­lowed one year lat­er by Nowosci Toruń. The news­pa­pers are the re­spec­tive mar­ket lead­ers in the cities of By­d­goszcz and Toruń; the print shop is ex­pand­ed to be­come the largest in North Poland. The ac­tiv­i­ties are com­plet­ed by news por­tals, ad­ver­tis­ing pa­pers and an own sub­scrip­tion de­liv­ery net­work.

1997: Award: Eco-Au­dit Cer­tifi­cate
The Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe be­comes the first Ger­man me­dia com­pa­ny to be award­ed the Eco-Au­dit Cer­tifi­cate for its en­vi­ron­men­tal­ly-con­scious op­er­a­tion.

Read more 1990 to 1999

Events from 1946 to 1989

1982: Ac­qui­si­tion of first na­tion­al ad­ver­tis­ing pa­per
In 1982 the Rheinis­che Post Me­di­en­gruppe pur­chas­es its first ad­ver­tis­ing pa­per in Ger­many. To­day sev­en ad­ver­tis­ing pa­per pub­lish­ers be­long to the me­dia group: The Panora­ma Anzeigen­blatt GmbH in Düssel­dorf, the Kuri­er Ver­lag GmbH in Neuss, the Nieder­rhein Ver­lag und Me­di­enser­vice GmbH in Duis­burg, the Wup­per­taler Rund­schau, the Wochen­spie­gel and Die Woch in the Saar­land and the ad­ver­tis­ing pa­per of our pub­lish­ers in Tri­er and the Lau­sitz.

1981: A new home for the ed­i­to­ri­al of­fice
The RP House is built at the Düssel­dorf print­ing cen­tre. The cen­tral ed­i­to­ri­al of­fice of the Rheinis­che Post and the ad­ver­tis­ing di­vi­sion are giv­en their new home here. The re­lo­ca­tion from the city cen­tre to the mod­ern of­fice build­ing in Düssel­dorf-Heerdt is ac­com­pa­nied by the in­tro­duc­tion of new da­ta tech­nol­o­gy.

Read more 1946 to 1989