
If you turn the ra­dio on in the Rhineland, chances are you will be lis­ten­ing to a sta­tion in which the Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe has a hold­ing. It has shares in lo­cal ra­dio sta­tions in North Rhine-West­phalia and in the frame­work pro­gramme sup­pli­er Ra­dio NRW, in the re­gion­al sta­tion ‘100.5 - the Hit Ra­dio’ and in An­tenne Thürin­gen. 

PFD Pressefunk GmbH

The ra­dio sta­tions of the Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe are sup­port­ed by the in-house in­ter­me­di­ate hold­ing com­pa­ny PFD Presse­funk GmbH. As the ser­vice provider of the lo­cal sta­tions it is re­spon­si­ble for the ar­eas ad­min­is­tra­tion, tech­nol­o­gy, mar­ket­ing and the sales and dis­tri­bu­tion of ad­ver­tis­ing time.

Your contact

PFD Pres­se­funk GmbH
Zül­pi­cher Straße 10
40196 Düs­sel­dorf

Uwe Pelt­zer
Phone 0211 505 1333

Funk-Kombi West

Funk-Kom­bi West op­er­ates as an ad­ver­tis­ing group of nine lo­cal sta­tions: An­tenne Düs­sel­dorf, Ra­dio Nean­der­tal, Ra­dio Wup­per­tal, Ra­dio 90.1, Welle Nie­der­rhein, NE-WS 89.4, Ra­dio RSG, An­tenne Nie­der­rhein and An­tenne AC. The cov­er­age of the lo­cal sta­tions ex­tends from the Ber­gisch Land over the state cap­i­tal of Düssel­dorf to the Dutch and Bel­gian bor­ders.

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Your contact

Kay Fremd­ling
Phone 0211 505 1433

Antenne Düsseldorf

An­tenne Düssel­dorf is the mod­ern voice of the city: The sta­tion is the emo­tion­al dai­ly com­pan­ion for its lis­ten­ers from get­ting up to go­ing to sleep. It of­fers an en­try in­to all rel­e­vant top­ics from Düssel­dorf and the world. “Our claim sounds sim­ple, but it is most am­bi­tious: those who lis­ten to us can join in the con­ver­sa­tion”, says ed­i­tor-in-chief Michael Men­nick­en.

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Your contact

Christian Zeelen
Phone 0211 930 1010

Antenne Niederrhein

An­tenne Nieder­rhein has been on the air since 1992 and, ac­cord­ing to me­dia anal­y­sis, is mar­ket lead­er in the Kleve dis­trict with a mar­ket share of 30 per­cent.

Your contact

Christoph Kepser
Phone 02821 72 27 10

Radio 90,1

As one first lo­cal sta­tions in North Rhine-West­phalia to do so, Ra­dio 90.1 has trans­mit­ted a lis­ten­er-ori­en­tat­ed pro­gramme for Mönchenglad­bach since Septem­ber 1990. It of­fers re­ports from the city and the sur­round­ing area and, thanks to a large net­work of cor­re­spon­dents, al­so top­ics from Ger­many and the whole world. “We are ser­vice providers for the lis­ten­er”, claims ed­i­tor-in-chief Gu­drun Gehl.

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Your contact

Gudrun Gehl
Phone 02161 901 9010

NE-WS 89.4

Around 100,000 peo­ple in the dis­trict of Neuss lis­ten dai­ly to NE-WS 89.4. The most suc­cess­ful show is the morn­ing show from 6 to 9 am: lis­ten­ers get the most im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion from the dis­trict, North-Rhine-West­phalia, Ger­many and the world from the mo­ment they get up. "We are a re­li­able day-com­pan­ion and friend of our lis­ten­ers.

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Your contact

Tony Kaufmann
Phone 02131 400 00

Radio Wuppertal

Ra­dio Wup­per­tal 107.4 has been the lo­cal ra­dio sta­tion for the city of Wup­per­tal since 1991 and undis­put­ed mar­ket lead­er in the trans­mis­sion area for about a decade: ac­cord­ing to me­dia anal­y­sis the pro­gramme reach­es 34 per cent of in­hab­i­tants over 14 years of age. Ra­dio Wup­per­tal thus has more lis­ten­ers in the trans­mis­sion area than all its main com­peti­tors to­geth­er.

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Your contact

Georg Rose
Phone 0202 25 77 02

Radio Neandertal

“We want to re­flect the at­ti­tude to­wards life of the peo­ple in the dis­trict of Mettmann”, says Tat­jana Pioschyk, ed­i­tor-in-chief of Ra­dio Ne­an­der­tal. That is a large task in the truest sense of the word, be­cause the ex­ten­sive dis­trict en­com­pass­es ten cities with around 500,000 in­hab­i­tants.

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Your contact

Tat­jana Pio­schyk
Phone 02104 91 90 10

Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

Radio Bonn/Rhein-Sieg reaches listeners in the federal city of Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis district. With about a million people living within the coverage radius, the radio station is one of the largest in North Rhine-Westphalia and has been number 1 since it started out in May 1991.

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Your contact

Jörg Bertram

Phone 0228 40071 22