Digital media

News, ser­vices, sport and en­ter­tain­ment: with this mix, RP ONLINE has long es­tab­lished it­self amongst the widest reach­ing news por­tals in Ger­many. The me­dia group proves its dig­i­tal com­pe­tence with its mo­bile por­tal and its ePa­per and app of­fer­ings. The cre­ation of its own dig­i­tal busi­ness area sped up its ex­pan­sion in­to on­line clas­si­fied ad­ver­tis­ing and a ven­ture busi­ness was sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly es­tab­lished.


RP Digital

RP Digital is the central digital unit of Rheinische Post Mediengruppe, which provides its regional market partners with a developing digital, scalable platform to offer the best UX in the media business for the dynamic cultivation and optimal monetisation of digital customer relationships (end customers and advertisers).

With the portal RHEINISCHE POST the company has since 1996 been operating one of the most successful news portals in Deutschland. The online presence of the Rheinische Post has long since become firmly established among the top German news portals with around 89 million page impressions and around 21 million visits every month.

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Your contact

RP Digi­tal GmbH
Zül­pi­cher Straße 10
40196 Düs­sel­dorf

Alexander Kratzer

Rheinische Post ePaper

The digital version of the Rheinische Post reflects all the content of the printed paper and offers so much more. On RP ONLINE, subscribers can browse all the pages of the newspaper, open articles in read mode and view all supplements and leaflets that are also enclosed with the printed version.

What’s more, the paper is always at your fingertips even when on the move or on holiday thanks to the RP ePaper app for smartphones and tablets. Not just one but two versions are available here. On top of the original newspaper view, the same content can also be read in the modern multimedia format of the app.

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Your contact

Rheinische Post ePaper
Zül­pi­cher Straße 10
40196 Düs­sel­dorf

Sven Grest
Phone 0211 505-1373

Digital-Angebote des General-Anzeiger Bonn

Mit dem Online-Portal, dem Karnevalsportal sowie weiteren Online-Angeboten werden rund 18 Millionen Page Impressions im Monat erzielt (Stand 10/2020 IVW).

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Ihr Ansprechpartner

General-Anzeiger Bonn
Justus-von-Liebig-Straße 15
53121 Bonn

Marcel Wolber
Tel. 0228 66 88 589

Digital offers from the Saarbrücker Zeitungsgruppe.

In its three dis­tri­bu­tion ranges of Saar­brück­er Zeitung, Pfälzis­ch­er Merkur and Tri­erisch­er Volks­fre­und, the Saar­brück­er Zeitungs­gruppe has a far-reach­ing re­gion­al on­line of­fer. In to­tal, the por­tals achieve more than 2 million unique users per month in their re­gions. They sig­nif­i­cant­ly ex­pand on the con­tent of the print pub­li­ca­tions and of­fer their users a va­ri­ety of dif­fer­ent el­e­ments. The far-reach­ing foot­ball por­tal Fu­Pa is al­so avail­able at the lo­ca­tions of the Saar­brück­er Zeitungs­gruppe.

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Your contact

Saarbrücker VerlagsService GmbH
Gutenbergstraße 11-23
66117 Saarbrücken

Christian Lauer
Phone 0681 502 36 30

markt.gruppe Holding

The Rheinis­che Post Me­di­en­gruppe is a 50 per cent stake­hold­er in markt.gruppe Hold­ing, which has es­tab­lished a strate­gic part­ner­ship with the Mu­nich-based Ip­pen-Me­di­en­gruppe. The markt.gruppe Hold­ing com­bines lead­ing na­tion­al and re­gion­al on­line por­tals; this in­cludes the small ads por­tal, the jobs por­tals stel­ and your

Your contact

markt.gruppe Hol­ding
Nym­phen­bur­ger Straße 14
80335 Mün­chen


Stakes in start-up businesses

RPM Invest is the strategic investment unit of the Rheinische Post Mediengruppe and conducts the investments into new areas of business. The focus lies on growing technology and media companies with a proven business model.

Along­side its di­rect ac­tiv­i­ties and stakes in the dig­i­tal sec­tor, the Rheinis­che Post me­dia group is al­so ac­tive as a ven­ture part­ner for sup­port­ing young, in­no­va­tive dig­i­tal busi­ness­es.

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Your contact

Rhei­ni­sche Post Medi­en­gruppe
Zül­pi­cher Straße 10
40196 Düs­sel­dorf

Alexander Botermann